GamerFest 2023 – Celebrating Gaming in Ireland and Forging Partnerships

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Last weekend, the gaming community united to celebrate their shared passion at GamerFest, and BigFootGaming stood out as a prominent participant in this exhilarating event. Held at the RDS in Dublin, this convention brought together parents of devoted gamers, gaming enthusiasts, and industry professionals, offering an opportunity to delve into the expansive realm of the professional, personal and competitive sides of the gaming industry.

BigFootGaming’s presence was marked by engaging conversations with parents and the setup of our captivating gaming stations that left attendees in awe.

In today’s world, where gaming has become a pivotal aspect of many young lives, parents play a crucial role in shaping their children’s gaming experiences. The event provided a unique platform for our team to interact with parents, address their concerns, and provide insights into the positives of gaming.

We firmly believe that well-informed parents are better equipped to support their children’s gaming interests.

We discussed the numerous advantages of gaming, from enhancing cognitive skills to promoting creativity and teamwork. These discussions were crucial for some parents in eliminating some common misconceptions surrounding gaming. Our team also offered valuable guidance on selecting age-appropriate games and managing screen time effectively.

We were delighted to witness the enthusiasm of parents as they engaged with us, demonstrating a genuine desire to gain a deeper understanding of the gaming landscape. These conversations were not only informative but also shed light on the evolving role of gaming in education and personal development.

Our presence extended beyond discussions, as we set up a remarkable array of gaming stations. Attendees had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the latest PC gaming titles.

From Apex Legends to Fall Guys, our gaming stations provided a diverse range of games. Attendees could explore cutting-edge graphics and high frames-per-second gameplay.

During the event, we had the pleasure of engaging with GG Machines, a real power-house for the PC gaming community in Ireland with a phenomenal team. Our discussions centered around “How to improve the gaming environment in Ireland” exploring collaborative opportunities aiming to create mutual benefits for gamers in Ireland. Stay tuned for more updates on this in the future.

GamerFest was more than just a showcase of BigFootGaming’s products and services; it also served as a fantastic networking opportunity. We had the privilege of connecting with industry professionals, like-minded enthusiasts and potential collaborators. These connections serve to strengthen the gaming community and pave the way for future partnerships that will benefit everyone involved.

BigFootGaming’s presence at GamerFest was an undeniable success. We were honored to be a part of an event that celebrated the diverse and dynamic world of gaming. Our commitment to engaging with parents and providing informative insights into the positive aspects of gaming was met with enthusiasm, and our gaming stations created an unforgettable experience for attendees.

As we look ahead, we are excited to continue our mission of promoting responsible gaming, helping parents understand more about what ‘pc gaming’ is, and connecting with the vibrant gaming community of Ireland.

A special thank you to GamerFest for providing a platform for the celebration of gaming and we eagerly wait to see what’s next from the team.